JAKARTA – Pemerintah resmi mengeluarkan Kamerun dari daftar negara subjek calling visa Indonesia. Hal tersebut ditegaskan melalui Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Kepmenkumham) Nomor M.HH-05.GR.01.06 Tahun 2023 yang disahkan pada 23 November 2023. Dikeluarkannya Kamerun dari daftar negara calling visa didasarkan atas berbagai pertimbangan, antara lain potensi kerja sama ekonomi dan dampak negatif (tingkat kerawanan/risiko) terhadap Indonesia yang tergolong rendah.
"One of the reviews for removing Cameroon from the list of countries for calling visa is that the country has a potential market and is an entry point for Indonesian products into the West African and Central African regions. "Data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and the Ministry of Trade also shows that there is a surplus of 32 million US Dollars in the trade balance between Indonesia and Cameroon in 2022," said Director General of Immigration Silmy Karim on Tuesday (28/11/2023).
Silmy also explained that there has been a significant downward trend in Immigration Administrative Actions (TAK) against Cameroonian citizens in recent years. Apart from that, in almost the last four years, there have been no cases of Cameroonians brought to court in Indonesia.
Removing Cameroon from the list of calling visa countries has implications for visa application procedures for Cameroonian citizens who are no longer through the clearing house (CH). They can make a visa application online via evisa.imigrasi.go.id. Immigration monitoring of Cameroonian citizens also applies to foreign citizens in general.
“Pengawasan keimigrasian berlaku seperti biasa, WN Kamerun akan ditindak apabila melakukan pelanggaran. Jika terdapat banyak pelanggaran, maka Imigrasi dapat mengusulkan untuk mengevaluasi kembali pencabutan calling visa tersebut. Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi terus mengevaluasi negara-negara yang masuk dalam daftar negara calling visa. Saat ini, proses evaluasi pencabutan calling visa tengah dilakukan terhadap negara Guinea di Afrika Barat,” tutur Silmy.
On the other hand, Indonesian citizens (WNI) coming to Cameroon must apply for a visa. For tourism purposes, visas are granted with a validity period of up to 30 days. And for business purposes, visas are granted with a validity period of up to six months.
Jakarta, 28 November 2023
Public Relations
Directorate General of Immigration
Last updated 17 January 2024